Do I need to be homebound to receive in-home services?
No, anyone can receive in-home counseling services, if interested.


Do I need a referral or order from a doctor?
No, all you need to do is call or email, and we will help you get an appointment.


Are you the same as a Home Health Agency, or Palliative Care? I already see a Social Worker through them.
No, we are a counseling service, and we can see you on a regular, on-going basis, indefinitely, whereas a Home Health Social Worker usually sees you for 1-2 sessions only, and a Palliative Care Social Worker may see you only once a month.


What if I am already receiving services from a Home Health Agency?
There is no conflict. We can provide counseling services to you at the same time as you receive Home Health services, (including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Work and RN services).


What if I don't want to meet in my home?
I don't have a physical office, but if you'd prefer, we can meet in a study room in a local library, or in a café, or anywhere you would like.


Is there a limit on the number of sessions I can receive?
Medicare or private insurance does not put a limit on how long you may receive services. However, managed care insurance plans typically require pre-authorizations for blocks of sessions, and may not authorize services indefinitely.


Are services available anywhere I live?
We can serve any residential location (single family home, apartment, assisted living facility, supportive living facility, senior building). We cannot serve people while they are in a Skilled Nursing Facility or rehabilitation center.


What areas do you serve?
Anywhere in the DFW Metroplex.